This past weekend, I once again found myself in a similar setting: A conference with students interested in agriculture, leadership and networking. As the caravan of Dodge mini-vans (we ride in style) left from the University of Minnesota, I began creating my game plan to make this conference "the best."
What was I looking for?
Quite simply, my own selfish desire to find an internship for the summer, get my name out their with industry leaders and make some friends. I was set to make my voice heard, and my vision a reality.
However, the Agriculture Future of America conference was like no other experience I have had.I began to realize that in the number of workshops, conferences and conventions I had previously attended, I had the COMPLETELY wrong mindset. At the opening session the theme "Our Voice, Our Vision" was introduced as well as a number of speakers. It struck me when Russ Weathers, AFA President, said,
Networking is more than finding the connections for yourself, it is about helping others find their own future in agriculture. You are doing them as much of a service as for yourself.
I thought I had everything figured out, but it was in that moment that I decided to make this conference the best I could make it for others. Not only did I strive to share my own passions and personality with others, but I made it my priority to understand everyone else.
I believed that I was going to find MY voice and MY vision, and that everyone else would find THEIR voice and THEIR vision. We would figure it out for ourselves. I was so wrong. The future of agriculture will not change or be dependent on my voice, or your vision. The future of agriculture is depending on OUR voice and OUR vision. We must seek to help each other out, collaborate ideas, listen to each other and share with another our voice and vision. To take it to the next level, we must take it upon ourselves to listen to each other's voice and vision for agriculture. Do we differ? Yes. Can we always agree? No. Will agriculture need more than one person? YES.
Agriculture is so much more than me,Kirby, just some kid from Southwestern Minnesota who grew up on a farm and desires to serve others through agriculture...
It is Jackson - a young dairy farmer from Indiana who desires to take his knowledge back to the farm. He is a great friend to everyone he meets, and has a noble mission to share what he loves with those of all backgrounds.
Agriculture is Maria- a small town girl from South Dakota that impacted the lives of high school students through her service as a State FFA Officer, and strives to make a difference on the Farm Bill.
The future of agriculture is the vision of Jessica- not your typical girl. Although her background in agriculture is different, she has an inspiring vision to change the face of agricultural development in the Third-World and the people who live in poverty.
Agriculture is the voice of Tyler- a bright hearted, young entrepreneur and salesman. His voice will echo not only through his quick-lip in auctioning, but in his calming, confident and caring voice.
I believe the future of agriculture is within each of us, and it is our duty to share it and make it something we can all be proud of. It is our voice, our vision, our future.
* I must note: I was challenged by Michele Payn-Knoper from Cause Matters Corp. to make my,
" Weekly, 1 hour difference in agriculture." I know that this may not do much, but my intent is to begin sharing the story of agriculture, as well as my own story, through this blog. I previously blogged as an MN FFA state officer, but I haven't say down to download my thoughts in a while, so we shall see where this goes!
I found this very helpful in my own pursuit to understand others, and help them fulfill their mission in life... So here is the challenge: Make your conversations EXTRA-ordinary. Whenever you are in a setting where you are meeting new people, the "4 Essentials" are covered.
- Name
- Hometown
- School
- Major
... So your majoring in Ag Economics! ... Ok cool.. So.. how about that foot..ball game..?
Each of us is made for more in our lives. There is something deep down inside of each of us that gives more strength to our thoughts, heart in our actions and passion in our words. It is what makes us tick.
I find myself more often asking...
So what is it that you would love to do?
What would be one of the most fulfilling things for you to do in life?
Where does your passion come from, what inspires you to live your mission?
Maybe its cheesy, our something you just don't simply care about. But hey, it works for me and I couldn't be happier. The next step is then to think about their interests and identify people or experience in your own life that can help them reach their potential. For example, I plan on sending some information about an International Agriculture Experience to Jessica, because I think it would be a great opportunity for her to further explore her passion.
Until next time- ciao. The upcoming posts will begin to dive into more agricultural facts, stories and experiences in the livestock industry.